The Library of Economic Possibility connects economic knowledge across society’s concerns. Their mission is to provide the website as a knowledge tool to improve the quality of discourse in order to foster the next economy.
I designed and built the site and developed a graphic brand system in collaboration with founders Kasey Klimes and Oshan Jarrow over an 18 month period starting 2021.
At the time, I was very interested in ways of enhancing bodies of text with “at hand” pathways to enhance citations, hyperlinks and other appropriate metadata. The marginalia card I designed and built here is a solid example of this.
The knowledge system itself was made up of a five building blocks: reports, insights, sources, authors and tags—all bi-directionally linked to create pathways between them.
The design system range of typography, colors and iconography all grew from a classic logotype using Klim’s Heldane serif.
Visit the Library of Economic Possibility.